Boost Graph の計算量

ID: 7
creation date: 2010/02/25 12:58
modification date: 2010/02/25 12:58
owner: taiji
tags: C++,BGL,Complexity

Boost にある Graph ライブラリ(BGL) はグラフ理論を扱うテンプレートライブラリです。極めて便利なのですが、STL(Standard Template Library)と同様に、実装されている各アルゴリズムの計算量に配慮して利用することが肝要となります。



9. Boost Graph Library Tutorial

9.2. The adjacency_list class

9.2.1. VertexList

add_vertex constant
remove_vertex constant for listS
remove_vertex O(E+V) for vecS
vertex constant

9.2.2. OutEdgeList

add_edge constant for Sequence like vecS
add_edge O(log(E/V)) for UniqueAssociativeContainer like setS
remove_edge A(E/V) for Sequence
remove_edge A(log(E/V)) for setS
edge O(E/V) for Sequence
edge O(log(E/V)) for AssociativeContainer
clear_vertex O(E+V) for directed with Sequence
clear_vertex O(V log(E/V)) for AssociativeContainer
clear_vertex O(E^2/V^2) or O(E/V log(E/V)) for undirected
remove_vertex O(E+V)

12. The Boost Graph Interface

12.4. Adjacency Graph

adjacent_vertices constant

12.8. AdjacencyMatrix

edge constant

12.9. Mutable Graph

add_edge constant or O(log(E/V))
remove_edge O(E)
add_vertex constant
clear_vertex O(E+V)
remove_vertex O(E+V)

18. Graph classes

18.2. adjacency_matrix

breadth_first_search O(V^2) instead of adjacency_list's O(V+E)

22.2. Basic Operations

copy_graph O(V+E)
transpose_graph O(V+E)

22.3. Core Searches

breadth_first_search O(E+V)
breadth_first_visit O(E)
depth_first_search O(E+V)
depth_first_visit O(E)
undirected_dfs O(E+V)

22.4. Other Core Algorithms

topological_sort O(V+E)
transitive_closure O(V E)
lengauer_tarjan_dominator_tree O((V+E)log(V+E))

22.5. Shortest Paths / Cost Minimization Algorithms

dijkstra_shortest_paths O(V log V)
dijkstra_shortest_paths_no_color_map O(V log V)
bellman_ford_shortest_paths O(V E)
dag_shortest_paths O(V+E)
johnson_all_pairs_shortest_paths O(V E log V)
floyd_warshall_initialized_all_pairs_shortest_paths O(V^3)
r_c_shortest_paths NP-hard so dynamic programming
astar_search O((E+V)log V)

22.6. Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms

kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree O(E log E)
prim_minimum_spanning_tree O(E log V)

22.7. Connected Components Algorithms

connected_components O(V+E)
strong_components O(V+E)
biconnected_components O(V+E)

22.7.5 Incremental Connected Components

whole process O(V+E alpha(E,V)) where alpha is the inverse of Ackermann's function
incremental_components O(E)
same_component O(alpha(E,V)) where alpha is the inverse of Ackermann's function

22.8. Maximum Flow and Matching Algorithms

edmonds_karp_max_flow O(V E^2) or O(V E U) for integer capacity bounded by U
push_relabel_max_flow O(V^3)
edmonds_maximum_cardinality_matching O(VE alpha(E,V)) where alpha is the inverse of Ackermann's function

22.9. Sparse Matrix Ordering Algorithms

cuthill_mckee_ordering O(m log(m)V) where m=max{degree(v)|v in V}
minimum_degree_ordering NP-complete so heuristics
king_ordering O(m^2 log(m)E) where m=max{degree(v)|v in V}
sloan_ordering O(log(m)E) where m=max{degree(v)|v in V}

22.10. Graph Metrics

brandes_betweenness_centrality O(VE) for unweighted or O(VE+V(V+E)log V)
maximum_cycle_ratio,minimum_cycle_ratio unknown

22.11. Graph Structure Comparisons

isomorphism O(V!)
mcgregor_common_subgraphs O(V_1 V_2)

22.12. Layout Algorithms

random_graph_layout O(V)
fruchterman_reingold_force_directed_layout O(V^2+E)

22.14. Planar Graph Algorithms

boyer_myrvold_planarity_test O(V) or O(V+E)
planar_face_traversal O(V+E)
planar_canonical_ordering O(V+E)
chrobak_payne_straight_line_drawing O(V+E)
is_straight_line_drawing O(V log V)
is_kuratowski_subgraph O(V)
make_biconnected_planar O(V)
make_connected O(V+E)
make_maximal_planar O(V+E)

22.15. Miscellaneous Algorithms

metric_tsp_approx O(E log V) or O(V^2) for non-vecS vertices
sequential_vertex_coloring O(V(d+k)) where d is the maximum degree of the vertices,and k is the number of colors

24. Auxiliary Concepts, Classes, and Functions

incident O(1)
opposite O(1)

24.7. Tools for random graphs

random_vertex O(V)
random_edge O(E)
generate_random_graph O(V E)


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